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A Summer Evening

Beginning of summer peacefulness and calmness - An observation of insects

Birds chirping and wind howling amuses a summer evening when perceived. The smell of fresh breeze flows through the house. To encapsulate this freshness of the breeze, one must not only observe but be captivated by it. As the sun sets late at 8:30 PM, one can hear an amalgamation of many sounds. The resemblance of music includes crickets, beetles, grasshoppers, spiders, and many more. Although the music perseveres most of the night in the summer, there are only a few people that enjoy the music of nature. To be part of this music, open your windows and observe them for a few moments. This is a chance for you as part of humankind to be aware of nature and appreciate its beauty.

Why do insects chirp and make sounds?

While hearing these various sounds, I was amazed to find the reason behind this music, this sound that makes most of our minds peaceful. I started looking up various theories that study and scientists explained. It is quite intriguing the results describe these sounds are created by stridulation- a process to rubbing body parts. While some theories claim that these sounds are originated to protect themselves, unlike others sounds in an even higher frequency that cannot be heard. I was so astounded by the behavior of living beings in nature.

What type of weather conditions makes it more intriguing?

The weather is neither too cold nor too warm. Moderate Temperature of 15C with a cool and clear sky. On the other hand, the nights with these moderate temperatures may also have a rainy day. The chirping and buzzing are consistent, persistent, and uniform as the song of music. It feels that nature has composed this song for humans and living beings to appreciate its beauty.

How to appreciate nature and enjoy peacefulness?

To be part, dedicate time, connect yourself with nature, by observing its sounds. Make them penetrate your body. Feel the energy, peacefulness that nature is providing to mankind. Appreciate being part of society and the world


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