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Life is Tough but never-give-up

Stay focussed and continue your efforts

Sometimes people strive to reach the stage or goals they want. They put in as many efforts as possible but luck never favors nor their hard work. There is always someone who thrived more than you. It is all about "TIME", there are no short-cuts or easy routes.

As the leaves become pale and fall off, new leaves grow after a long time. It is the same anywhere even in life. All you need is patience and do not compromise.

When you give the best possible on anything and you're denied the opportunity. You feel awful and low in self-esteem. However, think of it as a good cause. Maybe there is something out there that is better than this opportunity you have missed. Maybe you will not enjoy the opportunity you tried and failed. Maybe you didn't do very well at all. Whether it is a positive or negative reason, there is always TIME when you get outcomes for the efforts you have put into it. So, what we have to do? JUST WAIT and KEEP TRYING.

Yes, there is nothing much we can do. Once it is off our hands, it's up to the decision-maker. What we can do though is continue to be sincere, be mindful, do our best, and self improve. This will make us ready when another opportunity comes in our path.

Do not allow others to rule you. Plan and complete the work you are provided with. Don't complain too much and become victim to other responsibilities. Love yourself, be confident, and stay strong as always. Do as much you can without overburning yourself.


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