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Get Thin Thighs Project - Day 1

As I typed in my tiny room looking outside at the snow. An idea popped into my head. This idea was inspired by Julia/Julie Project which was a big success about two decades ago. I had always been looking for an opportunity similar to this and then my confidence turned into a goal.

Yes, you guessed it right. I decided on the challenge of getting thin thighs within a year. I am excited to see the results by the end of this year. With my dedication and persistence, I want to show we can achieve our goals and inspire others. If somebody out there is reading these posts, do stick around to see how I progress. It is going to be 365 days and I will log my activity as frequently as at least once a week. Well, I don't want to overpromise myself on the frequency. This challenge will be logged into the personality development section of my blog.

This bulky thigh fat has been with me for 15 years and it's time for me to melt this out. Let's get straight to the point instead of boring stuff.

I researched and researched and researched.... and finally found that for attaining good body shaping it is very essential to follow a proper diet. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates and increase proteins. Drink lots of water and most importantly exercise regularly.

So, I began my journey. I have tried various workouts past one year and they have helped me reduce 20 lbs. I have already written an article on this if you are interested you can read more from "How I lost 20 lbs and Stay fit". It has been a challenge lately to shed those extra 10 lbs to attain my lower edge of my BMI. I noticed major fat accumulation is in the area of the thighs. Then I decided to focus my workouts on those areas. I followed a few workouts by Emi Wong and April Han for slim thighs. I did see a slight difference but not very significant. Maybe the fat in the area of the thighs is too strong to meltdown. I must stay strong and fit for my goal.

Today for Meals, First I started my day with a light breakfast. Tea, half of sweet potato and 3/4th of one sweet corn along with green vegetables (mainly lettuce). I had about two cups of water in the morning. Then I moved onto lunch where I consumed at least two types of vegetables, meat, and little rice. Finally, my dinner mainly proteins and vegetables minus any carbs.

Next comes my workout, I did good 20 mins workout for my thighs from my favorite program. Additionally, I have also moved my thighs for a few stretches on the bed. My favorite stretches such as pigeon stretch and frog stretch helped me relax. I liked that these stretches are designed for light home exercises.

At the end of the day, I felt good and promising for my accomplishments. I managed to exercise and drink lots of water.

Take for the day, We can start a challenge but we need to stick around to accomplish the goal. Today was good maybe we had holidays around. I am excited to see how I can stick around during weekdays ( obviously, the busiest days for any person on this planet).


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