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Dawn of Spring- A NEW YOU:

Summer Spring Rejuvenating Yourself .

It's late April ! It has been raining all night. The loud and bold thunder has slightly frightened Anna’s deep sleep. She has been exhausted all day working very hard. Besides, she awakes during her sleep, she can feel it is raining outside her house. She was not willing to wake-up and disturb her pleasant dream.

With the rise of morning, she could hear the birds chirping and a sense of freshness from the ground. It only then occurred to her that spring is not far away. Another year of rejuvenation, where she has many plans and activities.

Anna’s typical weekday involves activities on health, food preparation, reading, office work, and family. She is a very independent and open minded person that every woman imagines to be. She is a role model to many of her colleagues and neighbors. Some key aspects of her personality includes persistence, diligence and well-organized characteristics. Although, it is quite complex for many women to keep these traits in practice and execute during daily activities. She had been through that path already.

What makes Anna persistent and diligent?

Firstly, Well, She is not a perfect woman. She strives to be one. That is the key for becoming successful in life both career and family. Most of them envision themselves to be like Anna. Only some actually are successful in their execution though. For example, You may want to be a better cook and impress your family. The main ingredient for you to be successful requires you to follow your goal without deviations. You may feel low sometimes drift away, it's acceptable too but remember to converge back to your path to ultimate success.

Why is drifting away acceptable?

when you drift away you will realize how did you improve over time? Do you like that choice or not? It's similar to receiving progress on your performance after thriving hard in exams and getting a break. I would recommend considering this period as a self-realization period.

Again, some may not have the choice of doing something they don't want but are obligated to their family. With the family comes responsibilities, when you discuss with your life-partner to plan and distribute your share of family duties you may feel more relieved.

Where do you begin from?

Find a small activity that you think makes you laugh and interests the most. Then you can make them building blocks of your personality. You can start with as simple as knitting or reading. Allocate some time each day or every two days to spend on those activities. Track your progress in an app or paper. You will see the difference in a few weeks. Your confidence boosts tremendously and you will feel more happier than ever.


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